About API

minerstat API is a private API that allows you to execute basic and some advanced commands independently of the minerstat dashboard. This documentation will help you identify the possible methods and commands you will need when dealing with minerstat data.


You must obtain your API token from the minerstat dashboard. Every API call must contain your token in the Authorization header.
For example:

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-TOKEN' -d '{"name":"Apollo"}' 'https://api.minerstat.com/v2/worker'

You can also protect from unauthorized access by whitelisting an IP or an IP range.

Responses and error handling

All successful and failed actions are accompanied by a message in a JSON format. On success, API will always return code 200 and code 201 when a new worker is created. List of error codes:

  • 500 - API/System error
  • 400 - Invalid parameter
  • 401 - Invalid token
  • 402 - Limit reached
  • 403 - Access denied
  • 404 - Non-existent content
  • 405 - Invalid method